#RedOut & ‘Fans’

OK I tried. I really, really tried. I tried to keep my comments on Twitter. I even tried to reply individually to people, but as we all know 140 characters is not enough for me. So, what is #RedOut? A lot of people who don’t follow certain content creators on YouTube, or don’t watch YouTube…

25 Days of Christmas 2016 | #16 Christmas Jumper Day

25 Days of Christmas 2016 #16 | Christmas Jumper Day Right, this ones coming at ya short & sweet ’cause I’m late & I just got back from my works do! I’m sure a lot of people in work places do this, go into work in a festive jumper, perhaps you also had a cake…

#Brexit… What Else Can I Say?

A simple title for this post but what else is there to say? I have so many thoughts about what’s happened today (or yesterday, I’ve been writing for a few hours now) and 140 characters just wasn’t enough. I like my posts to be light-hearted and to make people smile but to be honest it’s…


I think it’s safe to say I’m late with this post, but I wanted to say something and I want to ensure I get my message across as clearly as possible. The problem I’ve been having is that there are no words to describe what happened in Orlando that night. I could use heinous, monstrous…

Feminism | The Truth

“I don’t know why people are so reluctant to say they’re feminists. Could it be any more obvious that we still live in a patriarchal world when feminism is a bad word?” – Ellen Page This is going back a bit for me, a couple of my first posts were to do with International Women’s…

Book Review | It’s Your Time You’re Wasting – Frank Chalk

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela Nearly three years ago I read a book called ‘It’s Your Time You’re Wasting’ and it seems I wrote down my thoughts. With nowhere else to put it, the document stayed buried in my computer, until now. If…

Fictional Female Characters

“You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself” – Elle Woods: Legally Blonde I mentioned previously that my next few posts would continue to be targeted towards girls and women in tribute to International Women’s Day. This day has long past however, I still haven’t uploaded…

International Women’s Day

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me” – Ayn Rand As I’m sure many of you are aware yesterday (or the day before by the time I post this) was International Women’s Day. This is a day I view as one set aside to celebrate the achievements of…