25 Days of Christmas 2016 | #2 Book/Writers Fair Haul

25 Days of Christmas 2016 #2 | Book/Writers Fair Haul Late last month I went to a book fair in my hometown and, needless to say, I bought a lot of books. It’s the first time I’ve been to a book fair in my hometown and it was fantastic! You get to meet with authors…

Enemies Unite | Chapter 2

Chapter 2 “So, do you think you’ll get involved with the investigation?” Cali asked her brother as they walked through the marketplace. The marketplace was a small section in their part of town which sold fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, baked goods etc. Cathal is small enough so that the townspeople all know each other, the…

Enemies Unite | Chapter One

Anyone who may have stumbled across my previous posts knows that one of my reasons for starting a blog was to hopefully develop my writing abilities and try to write on a more consistent basis. I think after all my talk it’s probably time I upload the first chapter. It is by no means the…